Sunday, 25 May 2014

Let's build on this for 2015

Last week's local election gave the people of Redditch a choice on the future of our town. 

Night after night, weekend after weekend, Labour candidates, councillors and volunteers knocked doors and delivered leaflets to let voters know what they could expect if they voted for a Labour run Redditch Borough Council.
Frequently people said on the doorstep, "What's the point in voting, you're all the same" or "As soon as your elected you won't stick to your promises".  I felt proud to let people know that Labour had delivered on our pledges last time we were voted in - re-instating free swimming and the pre-9.30 free bus pass after the previous Conservative led council had cut them.  Scrapping council car parking charges that the Conservatives had imposed and working with business to create apprenticeships - something they voted against.  And if they voted Labour this time we would concentrate on job creation in the town, work experience, frontline services and the mortgage rescue scheme.  Priories for Labour given all areas are under strain due to the Conservative coalition.

People did vote Labour and the results demonstrated that trust is increasingly coming back to Labour.  With national policies such as the energy price freeze, increased free childcare and rises in the minimum wage, people are starting to vote for the party with policies that will help them have a decent standard of living.
Historically Redditch voters have always made room for a third party and traditionally that has been the Liberal Democrats.  Currently this has emerged as UKIP.  I have watched over the years as the third party in British politics has had the luxury of making promises that they cannot deliver. 

As I type these words one of the two new Redditch UKIP councillors is facing a backlash for racist, sexist and homophobic views on Facebook.  There is no room for such views in today's society, a society that has made such tremendous strides for equality and one that continues to do so.
The job for Labour is have the best offer for Redditch and the country on 7th May 2015 and then to deliver it, we've done this locally, now we must do it nationally.

Rebecca Blake


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