Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Arrowvale Success Shared With Labour Shadow Education Minister

Rebecca with Megan, Tristram and Shamm

During last week's visit I was once again delighted to see how far Arrowvale has come.  It was a pleasure to have Shadow Education Secretary Tristram Hunt MP seeing first hand what has been achieved and what is needed from a future Labour government in order to give our young people the best opportunities for their future.

Megan, Head Girl and Shamm, Head Boy were the perfect guides, giving us a tour of the school and pointing out some of the superb facilities including the refurbished sixth form and science block in between sharing their hopes for their future.

A special thanks to the art teacher and class who waited in their lunch break in order that we could see their work.  The students are producing excellent pieces some of which is demonstrated in the schools 2014 calendar below.

It was good to see the school has retained its construction classroom, despite it no longer being on the curriculum.  I want to see schools where academia, vocational skills and creative subjects can be studied and all pupils can fulfil their potential.

Having seen some excellent classroom based teaching and learning, the discussion with a group of pupils from across the year groups gave me a further insight into school life at Arrowvale.  Not only are the young people engaged in their subjects they are involved in student council, committees and after school clubs which extends their learning and experience.  

One of the main things that stood out to me, was the interest in the whole person alongside academic achievement.  All disciplines are seeking to develop their pupils socially, morally, spiritually and culturally.  I am sure this approach will help emotional wellbeing, building the resilience that the young people need for the challenges ahead.

I would like to acknowledge the leadership of the Headteacher Mr Shears who has turned the school around from being at the bottom of schools in Worcestershire to being top and for the best 8 value added reaching the top 2% nationally - all in just three years.  I am sure with the dedicated team at Arrowvale and the close working with Ipsley Middle School, Arrowvale will continue with this upward trajectory.  This kind of collaboration between schools needs to be built upon within and across the school pyramids and only then will we get the best outcomes for all young people across Redditch. 

It is clear to me that the next Labour government should give teachers the tools to do a great job, then get out of the way and let them teach.  Let's inspire the brightest and the best students to become first class teachers and that means standing up for good teachers and showing their profession respect.  While at the same time I want a Labour Government that makes failing schools accountable to parents and pupils and one that will work to eliminate acceptance of sub standard education in our society.  I've said it before, our young people get one shot at school and we must do everything we can to give them the best start.

For more information visit:

Megan's Blog

Redditch Standard

Chad's City Scape was even better up close!

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