Friday, 1 March 2013

Why do foster children not count?

Rebecca Blake, Labour's Parliamentary Spokesperson demands the government look again at the Bedroom Tax, which is penalising foster children, describing it as "unfair" and "confusing".

Rebecca says "The government claim one of the aims of Welfare Reform is greater fairness.  However, I cannot understand how it is fair to tax foster carers by claiming foster children do not count and that they do not need a bedroom".  

"We need more people to come forward to foster and charging existing foster carers around £14 per bedroom, despite it being used, is not the way to achieve this and is certainly not fair.  Given the government are looking again at how disabled people are being unnecessarily targeted, they must now look at how unfairly foster children will be affected".

"Another alleged aim is to simplify the benefits that people receive.  I believe people are more confused than ever.  Frequently questioning whether they will or will not have to pay the new Bedroom Tax.  Mrs Lumley claimed last week in the Standard that foster carers would be exempt, however, the Fostering Network Charity say the discretionary housing fund is not ring fenced for foster carers and they are already concerned that they cannot continue.  It just goes to show, when the MP does not know who is affected by the bedroom tax, it is not easy to understand". 


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