Saturday, 1 September 2012

"Our young people are our future, they get one shot at school and there is more that can be done to give them the best start".

At this significant point in our young people's lives it was important to me to speak with pupils who had just completed their GCSE's.
This morning I spoke with Chloe, Ellie & Megan from Kingsley and this afternoon, Kara, Rosie, Anna, Louise & Harry from Trinity.

First off, congratulations to all of them who achieved fantastic results. Everyone of them have worked hard to get to the next step, which for them is A-levels.

All of them had a number of things in common, including determination to succeed, aspirations for the future and bags of optimism.

As well as education, we discussed  a number of things including work and the challenges for them in finding a part time job, essential for some in order to start saving towards university.

For some the desire was strong to go to University and for others the jury was still out.  While I was impressed to hear their ideas of how to get around the hike in tuition fees, looking at nursing, studying abroad and the forces, I am deeply concerned about the impact upon our young people and their ability to gain a degree given the current cost of university education.

We hear a lot about the UK not equipping school pupils with the skill set to compete globally.  It is clear to me, that these articulate, bright and driven young people here in Redditch have huge potential and it is the least Government can do to provide an infrastructure for them to flourish. 

This needs to be from conception.  Quality health services, access to Sure Start and emphasis not only upon intellectual development but, emotional, social and physical well being.  Driving up functional skills, not stifling aspiration.  Schools working with colleges, universities and employers so that every child can fulfil their potential.

Practical measures such as a reinstatement of Educational Maintenance Allowance to support more young people going into higher education, reducing tuition fees and stimulating the economy, creating more jobs - action that can and should be taken.  I urge the government to act now, to tackle the 1 million unemployed 19 - 24 year olds so that we do not lose another generation as we did in the 80's.

Young people are our future, they get one shot at school and there is more that can be done to give them the best start.